MiissLady's Profile Photo


Favorite Model for 16 Members

Performer Information
I'm unique , because I'm confidently beautiful inside in out  
Turn Ons
. respectful, resposable,caring, loving  
Turn Offs
Not loving and caring  
Specialties :

Talk Dirty
MiissLady's Stats :

  • Age : 20
  • Build : Petite
  • Height : 5.0-5.4
  • Weight : 130 - 145 lbs
  • Eye Color : Black
  • Hair Color : Black
  • Hair Length : Shoulder
  • Sexual Preference : Straight
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MiissLady's Playlist
8 videos
MiissLady's Video Cover Image 6011033
MiissLady's Video Cover Image 6011015
MiissLady's Video Cover Image 5964124
MiissLady's Video Cover Image 5959652
MiissLady's Video Cover Image 5958748
MiissLady's Video Cover Image 5958728
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